
1. Application Forms for Personal Use

  1. Staff / Student Account (Details)
    1. Account Collection for New Staff | New Students
    2. Forgot Password?
    3. Computing Account Extension for Staff Account
    4. Self-service Update Microsoft 365 Profile for Staff Account (via Staff Login)

2. Application Forms for Department / Project Use

  1. Departmental Account (Details)
    1. New Application (via Campus Network or CUHK VPN & Staff Login)
    2. Closing Account (via Staff Login)
    3. Password Reset for Department Account (via Staff Login)
    4. Account Information Update for Department Account (via Staff Login)
    5. SharePoint Online Application (via CUHK Login)
  2. Project Account (Details)
    1. New Application / Account Renewal (via Campus Network or CUHK VPN & Staff Login)
    2. Closing Account (via Staff Login)
    3. Multiple Project / External User Accounts New Application (via Staff Login)
    4. Multiple Project / External User Accounts Renewal (via Staff Login)
    5. Password Reset for Project Account(via Staff Login)
    6. Account Information Update for Project Account (via Staff Login)
  3. Mailing List Application (via Staff Login)
  4. CUHK Web Server – Change of Chief Administrator(s)(via Staff Login)
  5. CUHK Web Server Hosting Service (via Staff Login)
  6. Central Authentication and Directory Service (CADS) Application (via Staff Login)
  7. CUHK Mobile App Launching Application
  8. High-Performance Computing Servers Account
  9. Training Rooms Reservation Request (Details)
  10. Science DMZ Application Form (via Staff Login)
  11. Restricted VPN Application Form (via Staff Login)
  12. MATLAB Network License Request Form (via Staff Login)
  13. SPSS Network License Request Form (via Staff Login)
  14. Request for Add-ins / Apps in Microsoft 365 (via Staff Login)
  15. AWS Academy Educator Registration Form(via Staff Login)
  16. Request for Batch Update Microsoft Office 365 Staff Profile (via Staff Login)

3. Application Forms for External Users Managed by CUHK Departments i.e. Visiting Scholars / Lecturers

  1. External User Account (Details)
    1. New Application / Account Renewal (via Campus Network or CUHK VPN & Staff Login)
    2. Closing Account  (via Staff Login)
    3. Multiple Project / External User Accounts New Application (via Staff Login)
    4. Multiple Project / External User Accounts Renewal (via Staff Login)
    5. Password Reset for External User Account (via Staff Login)
  2. WiFi Guest Account for Official Guest / Event / Conference (Details)
    1. Departmental WiFi Guest Accounts Management – 500 Free Day-Passes Annually
    2. Department Coordinator Nomination / Update for WiFi Guest Account Management (via Staff Login)
    3. Charged Single WiFi Account for Conferences/Events/Activities Application (via Staff Login)
    4. Extra Quota of Annual Day-passes for WiFi Guest Accounts (via Staff Login)

4. Application Forms for Student Organization Use

  1. Student Organization Account (Details)
    1. New Application / Renewal / Closing (via Staff / Student Login)
    2. Password Reset for Student Organization Account (via Student Login)
    3. Account Information Update for Student Organization Account (via Staff Login)
    4. Charged Single WiFi Account for Conferences/Events/Activities Application

5. Administrative Systems Services (AMSS) Forms

Administrative Systems Services (AMSS) Forms