MyCUHK serves as a personal portal to a wide range of services and websites in CUHK. It also provides the primary entrance to CUSIS services. An upgrade is conducted in 2020 (FAQS).

Available to

Staff, students & alumni

Service Charge and Application

Free; no application required

Access to Service

Please refer to tab 2. Login Notes of MyCUHK (General Users / CUSIS Administrators) for login guide.

Service Availability

24 X 7 ; except maintenance period


Staff, students and alumni can enjoy a no. of services in MyCUHK with their staff / student / alumni account:

1. Reach other online system / services:

Services Staff Student Alumni
CUHK Library’s Service
eLearning System
Email ✔ (Webmail) ✔ (@Link) ✔ (@Link)
Office 365
University Health System
Sports Facilities Booking
Student Development Portfolio
Online Contact Directory
Walk for Green
ITSC Service Desk
Staff Self-service Enquiry
CU Financial System
Academic Staff Handbook
Grade Distribution Guidelines
Email Forwarding Application
Alumni’s Event Registration

2. Manage personal information / account, including

  • Personal / Academic profile in the University
  • CUHK OnePass password
  • CUHK Webmail for staff
  • Donation to the University for alumni

3. Stay connect with CUHK news and events


Login for Students/Alumni

Students and alumni can log in with

  • Login ID: OR
  • Password: OnePass password


Login for Staff

According to 2FA Policy for All University Accounts, two-factor authentication (2FA) are required for all staff to enter MyCUHK / CUPIS from 2 Feb 2021. They can log in with

  • Login ID:
  • Password: OnePass password


  1. If you haven’t enrolled 2FA yet, you are unable to enter MyCUHK / CUPIS with the error message below even if the correct login ID and password are used. Please register for 2FA at 2FA portal ( beforehand.
  2. Furthermore, CUPIS/CUSIS Administrators are required to access CUPIS/CUSIS with desktop workstations that meet security standards required in Security Policy for Handling Personal Data.

Here are the User Guide in MyCUHK for