Department / Project Account

Staff can apply for (1) a sole department account for your department; or (2) project accounts to manage different projects in your department:

  • Login ID: (1) Computing ID OR (2)* /
  • Password: OnePass Password

If the account is for an external user i.e. non-CUHKers to use, please refer to external user accounts.

Available to


Service Charge and Application

Free; application and regular renewal required.
Please read tab 1: Account Application, Renewal & Closure here

Service Availability

Application / Renewal / Closure requests with appropriate endorsement will be handled in 3 working days


Please read the eligibility (via Campus Network or CUHK VPN) before applying for an account.

A. Application


B. Renewal

  1. Expiry reminder will be sent to account coordinator (applicant) before the expiry date.
  2. Renewal is available within 30 days before and after the account expiry date at CAAMS.
  3. ITSC reserves the right to close and delete the account(s) which expired for over 30 days.


C. Closure

Please log in the link below with staff account and update ITSC to close an unused account. Please do backup before the account closure.


The department / project account is widely used on different IT services:


Forgot ID

Account holder or coordinator can check the login ID at ITSC Computing Account Application and Management System (CAAMS) (via Campus Network or CUHK VPN)

Change Password

Change your OnePass password here

Forgot Password

Use either method below:


In using this account, users are automatically governed by the policies and guidelines that published at Computer Network – Policies & Guidelines on Access and Usage.