Individual Mass Mail

This service is suitable for making a single important announcement to a specific group of staff and students. You have to provide the recipient list (staff / student IDs). If departments request to dispatch individual mass mails to all staff and / or students (even with / without recipient lists), the mass mails must be justifiable as important and urgent towards the mass.

Service Charge and Application

please submit the mass mail content in a standardized format (docx – via CUHK Login) to Service Desk (Get Help > Account, Email & Access > General Enquiry) one working day before the dispatch time

Available to

All staff on behalf of their departments in the University

Service Availability

Office hours


A standard format will help users to distinguish whether the message is an official emails. The Feb 2018 IT Governance Committee meeting has endorsed that

  • Applicable for making announcement to a specific group of staff and students.
  • For mailing to all staff and students, requests must be justifiable as important and urgent towards the mass and they are from VC/PRVO/PVC/University Committee
  • For mailing to a specific group, applicants must provide the recipient list (staff/student ID).
  • Endorsement from department head is required.
  • Application must be made one working day before the dispatch time.
  • Requirement for official mass mail format must be followed. (Check Service Charge and Application)


Sending emails with large attachments, especially when reaching large batches of recipients, can cause a high server load on the email system. If mass mails are not sent appropriately, they may slow down any sending or receiving of emails of our users, or even result in overall suspension of email service in extreme cases. To help maintain the high quality of email service for the whole University, you should read the guidelines below before composing your mass email messages:

  1. Convert image files from PNG to JPEG format before embedding into the email.
  2. Include links of files, uploaded to CUHK hosting sites, instead of attaching files into the email.
  3. Consider an alternative means of mass communication provided by ITSC, such as Mailing List Service and Mass Mail Service.
  4. Provide receipients with a channel to
    • Enquire about the message content and
    • Remove them from receiving similar promotional messages.
  5. When emailing a distribution list,
    • Observe the attachment size (including email content and attachment). Sending to a distribution list with more than 50 recipients should have size less than 5MB.
    • Dispatch the email during non-office hours to avoid imposing a heavy load on the email system.