Training Rooms

Available to


Service Charge and Application

Free for courses/activities/events offered to CUHK staff and students, or study programmes provides overhead charge to the University;
Charged for holding profit-making courses/activities/events OR for non-academic study programmes.

application required (Please refer to 2. Room Booking Application below)

Service Availability

Training Rooms are located in User Areas. Check out opening hours of Learning Commons and User Areas in here.

Confirmed training room bookings can be viewed here.

Room reservation until 10pm on weekdays can be arranged for class teaching. However, limited support will be provided during non-office hours.

Application Procedures

If you need additional software (with software media and license available) / customizing system settings, please write to ITSC Service Desk (Service Catalog > IT Facilities) one month in advance. This gives our support time to install and test the software together with you.


There are 3 training rooms available for booking:

Venue No. of Student PC*
Training Room 1 (Room 102) 18
Training Room 2 (Room 103) 44
Training Room 3 (Room 107) 18


*All PCs require login with CUHK email address and OnePass (CWEM) Password.

Other Facilities

  • Software available on PCs
  • White board
  • Overhead projector (Full HD Projector) and projection screen
  • Mics (Ceiling Mic, Lectern mic and wireless mic)
  • WiFi coverage
  • Four video inputs – PC, Apple TV, HDMI, Miracast

Application Procedures

  • Write to ITSC Service Desk (‘Training Rooms – Reservation and Software Installation Request’) at least ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE
  • If you need additional software to be installed, please write to ITSC Service Desk and provide the software media and license ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE

Result Notification

A notification email will be sent in 3 working days

Other Regulations

  1. The Information Technology Services Centre reserves the right to deny any request of borrowing her facilities should a user failed to return the facilities before the date/time due.
  2. Users should note the Conditions of Use before using the room.
  3. The room should be kept clean and tidy after use.
  4. All non-ITSC staff should note that booking priority will be given to ITSC staff. In case their reserved periods clash with ITSC’s, they need to rearrange another booking. Prior notice will be given FIVE working days before the class.
  5. If the attendees are not CUHK staff/students, the applicant needs to attach a list with the attendees’ names and organization/department involved. They will be charged for using ITSC computer facilities as the charging table below.
  6. The room/facilities will be charged for the Centre’ administrative cost if it is for holding profit-making courses/activities/events OR for non-academic study programmes. The charging rate is as follows,

Training Room 1 Training Room 2 Training Room 3
(Per Session – 4 Hours)
Non-CUHK users $1840 $3080 $1840


Below is a gentle reminder of using Zoom from Zero clients in User Areas and WMYLC:

1. Sign-in: Some course may require students to sign in Zoom for identity verification. To do so, click SSO and then enter CUHK in the next screen. Follow the on-screen instruction to continue.



2. Video: The “VMWare Virtual Webcam” is non-functional. Please bring your own webcam if needed. A Logitech Webcam installed on lectern is available for teacher’s class teaching.

3. Audio: Since the mic / headset jacks are separated, students using headset + mic integrated accessory will not be able to speak via Zoom.


    Workaround (1): Use a splitter


    Workaround (2): Use “Switch to Phone Audio” feature in Zoom.  Below phone numbers are for illustration only, use the one displayed on actual screen.


    Workaround (3): Use chat as a last resort.