ITSC Policy for Web Hosting Service

ITSC provides Web Hosting Service for University’s departments/units/individuals to host their departmental/personal homepage. The service is provided through

Server Name Serving Group
 CUHK Web Server
Academic, administrative, research and service units.

Terms Description
Departments Refer to academic, administrative, research and service units
websites Unless specified, refer to websites (if eligible) hosted in CUHK Web Server set up by departments or individuals
Materials/Content Text, sound, video and other components of the website
Website Owner For website hosting in CUHK Web Server:
Department Head
Web Administrator(s) For website hosting in CUHK Web Server:
– Chief Web Administrator(s) as appointed and endorsed by their Department Heads for handling website affairs
– Sub Administrator(s) as appointed by the Chief Web Administrator(s) for handling website affairs

  1. The CUHK Web Hosting Service aims at providing a secure web server for University’s departments, student organizations, projects and individuals to publish and distribute information through setting up corresponding websites/personal homepages, so as to facilitate teaching and learning interactions, research activities and other educational and non-commercial purposes related to CUHK.
  2. ITSC hopes that CUHK Web Hosting Service can relieve departments/student organizations/projects/individuals from server management, and in turn ensure a consolidated level of infrastructure and security protection throughout the campus network
  3. By accepting the CUHK Web Hosting Service, departments/student organizations/projects/individuals are considered to have read, and fully agreed to observe, regulations included in this document, other CUHK and ITSC policies and guidelines regarding to CUHK Web Hosting Service, and all applicable laws of HKSAR. Complete list of CUHK and ITSC guidelines and policies can be found in Appendix. Should users have any doubt concerning applicability of relevant guidelines and policies, please contact ITSC before proceeding to any further applications/publishing/relevant actions.
  4. Departments/student organizations/projects/individuals are expected to observe Acceptable Use Policies and Guidelines for Computer Network, Policies and Guidelines on Access and Usage, which can be read at IT Policies.


  1. Roles and Responsibilities of an Website Owner
    1. Fully read, understand and agree to observe regulations outlined in this document and other policies relevant to CUHK Web Hosting Service.
    2. Ensure affiliated Web Administrator(s) to observe relevant regulations and take appropriate actions in managing the assigned website.
    3. Co-ordinate with affiliated Web Administrator(s) to regularly review content of the assigned website; preferably once per term minimally.
    4. Take the responsibility of ultimate approval for content and site reviewing of his/her departmental/student organization/project website. Individual who uses the CUHK
    5. Web Hosting Service to setup his/her personal website shall take the responsibility of ultimate approval for content and site reviewing.
    6. In hosting homepage in the CUHK Web Server, the website owner shall appoint, endorse and monitor the works of affiliated Chief Web Administrator(s).
  2. Roles and Responsibilities of Web Administrator(s)
    1. As author(s) and responsible personnel for their assigned websites.
    2. Ensure published information to be accurate and up-to-date.
    3. Work closely with ITSC on matters arising from web hosting.
    4. Web Administrator(s) shall bear full responsibility for the contents they publish.
    5. In hosting websites in the CUHK Web Server, Chief Web Administrator(s) have rights to appoint Sub-Administrator(s), and shall bear ultimate responsibility for his/her appointment(s).
  3. Roles and Responsibilities of ITSC
    1. ITSC shall not routinely monitor or edit content of websites. ITSC reserves the right to restrict access, remove parts of/entire website, or take other action as deemed appropriate by CUHK and ITSC, in case that the website is involved in violation of policies of CUHK/ITSC or laws of HKSAR.
    2. To ensure the efficient use of resources, ITSC reserves the right to remove all or part of a website if we find that the content is not being maintained and we are unable to contact the chief administrator to verify the status of the website’s content.


Web hosting service at CUHK Web Server –


To apply for the Web Hosting Service on CUHK Web Server, please fill in the application form.


For CUHK Web Server , please visit after staff login.


  1. Publishing Materials
    1. No advertising materials or materials relating to commercial and business activities of any person or third person can be directly or indirectly included.
    2. Harassing, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, indecent or distasteful contents may not be posted in website.
    3. Avoid materials that might cause anger or inconvenience to anyone/organization, or contrary to established policies in the campus and community.
  2. Copyright and Intellectual Property Right
    1. Obtain permission from copyright owner concerned prior to publishing any material.
    2. Be aware that rights for web publication is not equivalent to rights for print publication, and need to be negotiated separately.
    3. Ensure appropriate credits for materials used.
    4. Regularly check for updates of relevant CUHK policies at
  3. Protection of Personal Data
    1. Pages that collect personal data for example, .e. name, student/staff ID, Email address, telephone number, affiliated college/department) should display a Personal Information Collection Statement declaring the following components in line with the six principles outlined by the “University’s Guidelines in Protection of Personal Data (Privacy)” available at


Published materials on websites that cause violations of existing laws, relevant CUHK and ITSC Policies, or the University’s Codes of Conduct, may lead to suspension of Web Hosting Service, and disciplinary actions by relevant University authorities.


Please write to ITSC Service Desk at