CUPIS Technology Stack Upgrade Project
Project Name CUPIS Technology Stack Upgrade Project
Go Live Date 2023-12-27

The CUHK Personnel Information System (CUPIS) was launched on April 1, 2016, serving as the University’s integrated system platform on HR and Payroll matters for over 7 years. To keep abreast of the latest technology deployed by the solution provider, a Technology Stack Upgrade Project for CUPIS, which encompasses upgrades for both the hardware and software components, is being implemented.

Serving User Groups Staff
Changes / New Features

While the Upgrade is primarily on the technical side, several enhancements to user experience are anticipated, which include:

  • Improved access security
  • Faster system responses and enhancements in selected User Interfaces
  • Re-introduction of a “Navigation Search”, offering convenient search by key words on both functions and data in CUPIS

Relevant information can also be found in ITSC eNewsletter – issue 193 .

Upgrade Schedule

The upgrade process entails switching the current computer platform over to a new one with the latest technology.   During the upgrade, CUPIS services will be temporarily suspended to enable the switchover.  (Announcement details)

Before you access the upgraded CUPIS platform for the first time, please be advised to clear your browser’s cookies and cache and restart your browser for a smooth login experience.

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