ITSC Homepage Received Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme Gold Award
Project Name ITSC Homepage Received Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme Gold Award
Go Live Date 2023-03-01

Since 2013, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) have joined hands to organise four rounds of Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme.  Starting from 2018, HKIRC has taken up to organize the scheme.   The scheme aims to encourage web accessibility among organisations in various industries and sectors, to contribute to building a caring and inclusive society and to showcase corporations that have demonstrated outstanding efforts in facilitating access to their websites and mobile applications.  The awards include Gold Award, Sliver Award, and Friendly Website/Mobile App.

To enhance the accessibility of ITSC homepage to serve different user groups in CUHK, ITSC homepage started to apply for the recognition scheme in 2022/23.

Serving User Groups Staff, Students
About the Gold Award

Meet 27 judging criteria for website to provide better web accessibility features and they are:

  • W01 Provide meaningful text alternative for non-text contents
  • W02 Provide accessible animated contents or allow to skip
  • W03 Allow to perform all operations through a keyboard interface
  • W04 Easy to turn off background sound or set as user-initiated only
  • W05 Provide means to close popup or overlay windows
  • W06 Provide clear and informative links
  • W07 Provide accurate and appropriate headings/labels
  • W08 Make website content easy to be used with assistive technologies
  • W09 Make website structure in a consistent navigation mechanism
  • W10 Make website content in meaningful sequence
  • W11 Provide input assistance such as proper labels for user input and error identification and description etc.
  • W12 Text can be resized up to 200 percent without loss of content
  • W13 Provide an accessibility statement with contact points for the website
  • W14 Provide transcript, captions or sign language for 30% of pre-recorded videos published in the recent 2 years
  • W15 Provide alternative means for users to operate the function by complex gesture
  • W16 Provide sufficient time for users to read the content and operate the function
  • W17 Compatible with screen readers
  • W18 Provide accessible PDFs within scope of assessment published in the recent 2 years
  • W19 Build webpages with predictable operations
  • W20 Able to skip repetitive blocks
  • W21 Provide multiple ways to retrieve content
  • W22 Build webpages with user-initiated auto-updating
  • W23 Provide sufficient colour contrast
  • W24 Ensure correct syntax of webpages for compatibility with browsers and assistive technologies
  • W25 Provide meaningful title, summary or description for table header as well as data
  • W26 Provide error prevention for transactions
  • W27    Able to abort or undo the function operated by single pointer
For details about the scheme