CUHK Mobile Pass

CUHK Mobile Pass, the mobile app, , serves as an alternative way of campus access in addition to CU Link. While CU Link remains the official means of displaying one’s University identity, CUHK Mobile Pass offers a more convenient option for eligible users to access University entrances and facilities.

Users can gain access to campus by scanning the QR code generated by CUHK Mobile Pass against readers enabled with such feature. It facilitates the entry of CUHK campus when CU Link is not brought around or not yet collected.

Available to

Newly Admitted Students from 1 July 2023

Service Charge and Application


Access to Service

Service Availability

24 X 7


Newly admitted undergraduates and postgraduates can now log in Mobile Pass and generate QR codes for campus access. The user scope will be further extended upon review.

Currently, Mobile Pass can access

  1. I changed my mobile device. Can I use CUHK Mobile Pass in my new device?
    Answer: Yes. Please download CUHK Mobile Pass to your new device. When you login CUHK Mobile Pass in your new device, you will be asked whether you want to use CUHK Mobile Pass in your current device and logout your old device.
  2. I cannot login CUHK Mobile Pass but I can login other CUHK applications.
    Answer: Starting from mid Aug 2023, only newly admitted UG and PG students can login CUHK Mobile Pass. The user scope will be further extended upon review.
  3. When I showed the QR Code of CUHK Mobile Pass to the reader, “Apple Pay” pops up and it blocks the QR Code.
    Answer: Please close the “Apple Pay” app and try again. Your mobile phone needs to be placed around 10 cm from the reader to allow QR code to be read while not triggering “Apple Pay”.