Phishing Alert: [Random Code]

Report Phishing Email to ITSC
Guide to Handle Phishing Email

Here is how the phishing email looks.

Sent: Thu 7/11/2024 8:17 pm
Subject: [Random Code]

Hi there!


I äm ä professionäl häcker änd häve successfully mänäged to häck your operäting system.

Currently I häve gäined full äccess to your äccount.


In äddition, I wäs secretly monitoring äll your äctivities änd wätching you for severäl months.

The thing is your computer wäs infected with härmful spywäre due to the fäct thät you häd visited ä website with porn content previously. ╭ ᑎ ╮


Let me expläin to you whät thät entäils. Thänks to Trojän viruses, I cän gäin complete äccess to your computer or äny other device thät you own.

It meäns thät I cän see äbsolutely everything in your screen änd switch on the cämerä äs well äs microphone ät äny point of time without your permission.

In äddition, I cän älso äccess änd see your confidentiäl informätion äs well äs your emäils änd chät messäges.


You mäy be wondering why your äntivirus cännot detect my mälicious softwäre.

Let me breäk it down for you: I äm using härmful softwäre thät is driver-bäsed, which refreshes its signätures on 4-hourly bäsis, hence your äntivirus is unäble to detect it presence.


I häve mäde ä video compilätion, which shows on the left side the scenes of you häppily mästurbäting, while on the right side it demonsträtes the video you were wätching ät thät moment..^-^ All I need is just to shäre this video to äll emäil äddresses änd messenger contäcts of people you äre in communicätion with on your device or PC.

Furthermore, I cän älso mäke public äll your emäils änd chät history.


I believe you would definitely wänt to ävoid this from häppening.

Here is whät you need to do – tränsfer the Bitcoin equivälent of 1290 USD to my Bitcoin äccount (thät is räther ä simple process, which you cän check out online in cäse if you don’t know how to do thät).


Below is my bitcoin äccount informätion (Bitcoin wället):




Once the required ämount is tränsferred to my äccount, I will proceed with deleting äll those videos änd disäppeär from your life once änd for äll.

Kindly ensure you complete the äbovementioned tränsfer within 50 hours (2 däys +).

I will receive ä notificätion right äfter you open this emäil, hence the countdown will stärt.


Trust me, I äm very cäreful, cälculätive änd never mäke mistäkes.

If I discover thät you shäred this messäge with others, I will sträight äwäy proceed with mäking your priväte videos public.


Good luck!